
Help BIC ~ Volunteer or Donate

"Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."
~Barbara Bush

Act Today. Make a difference and support the Brain Injury Connection.

  • Share Your Time & Talent. Learn how you can share your skills by clicking here.
  • Share Your Treasure by making a donation. Two ways to make a financial donation to the BIC:
  1. Personal Check/Money Order or Employee Matching Gift - To donate by check or money order, write it payable to Brain Injury Connection and mail the check or money order to:  Brain Injury Connection, PO Box 2452, Alameda, CA  94501
  2. PayPal - To make a donation via PayPal, click on the following Donate Button and add the *amount you want to donate to the BIC; click on Update Total and scroll down and login to PayPal, if you have a PayPal account.  If you don't have a PayPal account go to the left side of the web page and use your credit card or bank account.

No donation is too small and every donation is equally appreciated.

The content of the Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is for informational purposes only and not intended to provide professional advice upon which readers should rely. Prior to making use of any information provided by the BIC, you should consult with an appropriate professional. The BIC may receive donations, fees or other monetary or non-monetary benefits from individuals or organizations mentioned herein. The BIC does not support or endorse any business, method, program, facility or treatment mentioned by the BIC.  Read the full BIC Disclaimer here.