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    The Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is on Facebook. Search "Brain Injury Connection" or click here.

  • HOPE BEYOND TRAUMA . . . a mother's journey by Janie Smith

    The author takes you behind the scenes with her family after their teenage daughter, Tanya, is involved in a fatal auto accident. Tanya is revived in the Life Flight helicopter—only to face an even greater life challenge.  Experience a mother’s agony and fears as her daughter awakens to the realization that she has sustained severe brain injuries.  Read more about the book and purchase it here.


  • Brain Injury Advocates:  The Emergence of the People with Acquired Brain Injury Human and Civil Rights Movement

    This book is about the lives, struggles, issues, priorities, and rights of people with acquired (including traumatic) brain injuries written by Susan C. Hultberg, President, Brain Injury Network (BIN), an international and U.S. national advocacy organization for people who have sustained brain injuries.


  • This Beats A Coma

    This video is about Doug Markgraf's journey from coma to an inspiring cross-country bicycle trek. It reflects on the difficulties faced by a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor and documents the struggles to return to a norm, independent life. It's a story about hope, overcoming debilitating setbacks, and achieving amazing things. Be sure to read Doug's blog at DougTrails Blog.


Welcome to the BIC community!

If this is your first time on our website, please read our welcome letter here.

The Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is a nonprofit organization founded to help survivors of brain injury and their caregivers as they attempt to understand their new reality.  Our goal is to empower those who have been affected by brain injury and connect them to resources available in the community.

All brain injuries are traumatic to those affected, but not all brain injuries are traumatic brain injuries (TBI).  TBI’s are one type of acquired brain injury (ABI).  The common denominator is the body’s most vital and least understood organ, the human brain.

Brain injury changes lives.  Those living with a brain injury are often neglected and misunderstood, in part because many effects of brain injury are invisible, which makes it easier to ignore or misdiagnose symptoms.

Learn more about causes of brain injury and common symptoms here.  Find out more about the BIC here.

Spread the word. We're on Facebook and we have an old fashioned brochure you can link to: iconBIC Brochure


The content of the Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is for informational purposes only and not intended to provide professional advice upon which readers should rely. Prior to making use of any information provided by the BIC, you should consult with an appropriate professional. The BIC may receive donations, fees or other monetary or non-monetary benefits from individuals or organizations mentioned herein. The BIC does not support or endorse any business, method, program, facility or treatment mentioned by the BIC.  Read the full BIC Disclaimer here.