Welcome to the BIC community!
If this is your first time on our website, please read our welcome letter here.
The Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is a nonprofit organization founded to help survivors of brain injury and their caregivers as they attempt to understand their new reality. Our goal is to empower those who have been affected by brain injury and connect them to resources available in the community.
All brain injuries are traumatic to those affected, but not all brain injuries are traumatic brain injuries (TBI). TBI’s are one type of acquired brain injury (ABI). The common denominator is the body’s most vital and least understood organ, the human brain.
Brain injury changes lives. Those living with a brain injury are often neglected and misunderstood, in part because many effects of brain injury are invisible, which makes it easier to ignore or misdiagnose symptoms.
Learn more about causes of brain injury and common symptoms here. Find out more about the BIC here.
Spread the word. We're on Facebook and we have an old fashioned brochure you can link to: BIC Brochure