
About the BIC Logo

The Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is about connecting  to community.  "Connection" is reflected in the BIC logos.

The BIC Logo was revised for the BIC website and our forthcoming E-mail newsletter, "Get Connected"  by Jasper Hill, Instructor, Computer Technologies Program (CTP) in Berkeley, CA.


The original BIC Logo was designed by Amanda Wong while she was a student at the Art Institute of California - San Francisco.  This logo is used for our letterhead, brochures and business cards.


Thank you Amanda and Jasper! 

The BIC Team is appreciative of your generous contribution of time and talent



The content of the Brain Injury Connection (BIC) is for informational purposes only and not intended to provide professional advice upon which readers should rely. Prior to making use of any information provided by the BIC, you should consult with an appropriate professional. The BIC may receive donations, fees or other monetary or non-monetary benefits from individuals or organizations mentioned herein. The BIC does not support or endorse any business, method, program, facility or treatment mentioned by the BIC.  Read the full BIC Disclaimer here.