Thank you for your interest in the acquired brain injury (ABI) community and in the Brain Injury Connection (BIC).
Our mission is to enrich the lives of people affected by an ABI through education and connection to resources.
The BIC was founded because of my personal experience returning to work after a TBI. I had difficulty with the medical community understanding my ongoing deficits and have heard similar stories from my peers throughout the community.
Read my story and my vision for the BIC and learn more about BIC.
The primary focus of the BIC programs is the brain injury community. We want those whose lives have been affected by brain injury to know immediately they are not alone and there are resources available to them.
Some brain injuries can be prevented; while a few survivors have full recovery from brain injury, many have lifelong deficits for which there is no “cure”. However, by learning strategies and with accommodations a survivor can have an excellent quality of life.
This website is for the benefit of the brain injury community and the BIC team welcomes your input. If you have any suggestions, please contact us.
On behalf of the BIC team, thank you for visiting. We hope you will find it to be helpful to you, whether you have been personally affected by brain injury, work directly with the ABI community or want to learn more about ABI, please contact us.
Debi (Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - June 30, 1992)
Founder, Brain Injury Connection